Friday, 24 September 2010

Going home from hospital!

The Friday morning, after a successful night of breastfeeding without assistance from the midwives, I was informed that I may be going home that afternoon around 15:00.  I was soo excited and yet nervous!  I knew that I was able to change Liam's nappy and feed him quite comfortable at home and I didn't have to worry about washing linen, preparing food or even remembering to drink my pills, as this is all done for you at hospital.  Will I be able to cope at home?  Yet, it would be good to sleep next to my husband, Gavin, again - I do miss him when he is not around!  The anxiety kept on building as the midwives just didn't seem to get around to completing all the forms necessary to enable me to go home... At around 16:00 Gavin started asking when the check-out will be done... we're all packed and ready to go!  Gavin kept asking until eventually, at 19:00 we walked out the hospital with Liam in his car seat.
It was a weird experience as we were very conscious that every sound, the wind, the fresh air, everything are all new sensations to Liam and we walked carefully not to overwhelm him.  In the car we felt that we wanted a metal frame all around the car to protect Liam from all the other cars that seem to be driving so fast.... it never bugged us before, but now everything is different and we have this precious gift that we need to look after.
At home the settling in was far easier than I imagined and it felt extremely good to be home!!  We did the feeds and nappy changes at regular intervals during the night and even Liam seem to settle in easy the first night!